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现代钢琴 – VI Labs Modern U for Falcon

11.2021 | 4.13 GB

现代需要现代虚拟钢琴:高度细致、私密、干净、清脆,新钢琴采用现代空间中最好的设备进行采样,能够根据需要发光或融合。使用任何控制器的逼真精确响应,以及虚拟钢琴中很少见的具有可调节性的复杂控件和预设。高分辨率图形、深度采样和脚本编写,但在系统上很容易。我们很高兴地介绍 Modern U,它是从采用现代方法的全新流行工作室立式钢琴中采样的。你说的只是个正派。为什么要采样立式而不是三角钢琴?准备好惊讶。

我们也喜欢立式,现代 U 的采样和处理与我们为最好的音乐会大图书馆提供的相同程度的关怀和极端细节。立式传统上是对更理想的三角钢琴的妥协,但在许多情况下,它们的独特性是无法击败的。大型录音室立式钢琴或“立式三角钢琴”在两种钢琴类型的品质上取得了完美的平衡。由于立式钢琴和三角钢琴之间的界限变得模糊,很容易忽略这种区别而只是享受这架伟大的钢琴。晶莹剔透的锤击、六个麦克风、独特的 Sordino 软踏板、静音打击、断奏释放轨迹、真正的共振和许多其他功能都为这款现代立式立式钢琴注入了活力。如果通常的钢琴音色太普通,而现在是独特的时候了,Modern U 可能就是其中之一。这真的是钢琴家的虚拟钢琴。

Modern U 采样自全新的 Yamaha© U3 工作室立式钢琴。应该注意的是,较新的型号包括制造商的最新设计,具有更温暖的歌声,同时仍然清晰易懂,而且琴槌是新的,一切都符合原始规格。这种钢琴型号可以被视为“立式三角钢琴”,其长低音弦和音板面积类似于中型三角钢琴。虽然它是一个大立式,但它仍然是一个具有特征性声音的立式,但与较小的立式相比,它具有更大的低音和更长的延音。



此版本需要 R2R Falcon。


Modern times call for a modern virtual piano: Highly detailed and intimate, clean and crisp, a new piano sampled with the finest gear in a modern space, able to shine or blend in as desired. A realistic precise response using any controller, plus sophisticated controls and presets with tweakability rarely seen in a virtual piano. High res graphics, deep sampling and scripting but easy on the system. We’re happy to introduce the Modern U, sampled from a brand new popular studio upright piano with a modern approach. It’s just an upright you say. Why sample an upright instead of a grand? Prepare to be amazed.

We love uprights too, and the Modern U is sampled and treated with the same level of care and extreme detail as we’d give to the finest concert grand library. Uprights have traditionally been a compromise over the more desirable grands, but for many situations their unique character just can’t be beat. The large studio uprights, or ‘upright grands’, are a perfect balance in qualities of both piano types. With the line blurred between upright and grand, it’s easy to ignore the distinction and simply enjoy this great piano. Crystal clear hammer attacks, six microphones, unique Sordino soft pedal, Muted Strikes, staccato Release Trails, real Resonance and many other features all bring this modern upright to life. If the usual piano tones are too usual and it’s time for the unique, the Modern U may be the one. This is truly a pianist’s virtual piano.

The Modern U is sampled from a brand new Yamaha© U3 studio upright piano. The newer model should be noted in that this includes the maker’s latest design with a warmer singing tone while still being clear and articulate, plus the hammers are new and everything is to original specification. This piano model could be considered an ‘upright grand’ with its long bass strings and soundboard area similar to that of a medium-sized grand piano. While it is a large upright, it’s still an upright with the characteristic sound but with a larger bass and longer sustain than smaller uprights.

With any acoustic piano sample, the recording space can impact the sound as much as anything else. For a clean modern sound, we needed an intimate detailed studio space just big enough for the piano to fill out and still be focused enough to record a pin drop from every mic. The piano was expertly tuned and maintained by a concert technician throughout the session, and the resulting samples are extraordinarily clean and pure with some sustains lasting well over a minute. Multiple microphone perspectives capture every nuance of this piano in this room.

This release requires R2R Falcon.

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