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低音线合成器 – Audio Blast AcidBox v2 WIN

Team R2R | 2023.07.15 | 192 MB

AcidBox V2 是一款低音线合成器,采用新界面重现了 80 年代标志性的 303 低音线合成器,这使得创建实时序列并在现场情况下对其进行调整变得更加容易。

4 种同步模式:主机同步、内部同步、MIDI 输入、Arp

多达 32 种模式

5 个失真单位。

1 延迟,具有同步和乒乓模式。

音序器,带有录制的即时 MIDI,可简化您的音序。


使用 ACID BOX、具有自定义功能的低音线合成器、16 至 64 步音序器和 6 种集成效果,让您的现场表演更进一步。

AcidBox 的灵感来自于 Daft Punk、Aphex Twin 或 Laurent Garnier 等 Techno 和 House 艺术家的作品,他们使用了 80 年代复古合成器并受到 Acid House 流派的影响。
该合成器还向 DJ Pierre、Dr. Fernando、Woody McBride、Hardfloor、Leo Anibaldi 或 Fast Eddie 等 Acid 前身致敬。


Welcome to the AcidBox!
The AcidBox V2 is a bass line synthesizer, a recreation of the iconic 303 bass line synthesizer from the 80’s with a new interface, which makes it easier to create real-time sequences and tweak them in a live situation.

4 synchronize modes: host sync, internal sync, MIDI in, Arp

Up to 32 patterns

5 Distortion units.

1 Delay, with synced and ping pong mode.

A sequencer, with on-the-fly MIDI in record, to ease your sequencing.

Ability to export and import your sequences, patterns, and banks in multiple formats.

Get your live performances further with ACID BOX, a bass line synthesizer with custom functions, a 16 to 64 steps sequencer, and 6 integrated effects.
A simple tool for real-time creation.

AcidBox is inspired by works from Techno and House artists like Daft Punk, Aphex Twin or Laurent Garnier, with their use of vintage 80’s synthesizers and influences stemming from the Acid House genre.
This synth also pay homage to Acid precursors such as DJ Pierre, Dr. Fernando, Woody McBride, Hardfloor, Leo Anibaldi or Fast Eddie.







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